Common Causes of DVT

Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is a serious condition that can have potentially fatal complications. But, almost 50% of DVT patients don’t show any symptoms or warning signs. That’s why it’s important to know about your risks for DVT, and take control of your vascular health.
At the Vascular Institute of New York, Dr. Enrico Asher and our experienced and knowledgeable team offer care and support to new and existing patients from around the Borough Park neighborhood of Brooklyn, New York City, who have vascular health concerns.
What is a DVT?
A DVT is a blood clot formed in your primary veins. These veins, located deep within your body, return the blood from your extremities to your heart and lungs. You could suffer from a life-threatening pulmonary embolism if the blood clot breaks away and travels to your heart and lungs through your bloodstream.
DVT most commonly affects the legs, but can occur in your arms, as well. If you show symptoms, you could see swelling, tenderness, discoloration, or increased warmth in the affected limb, or experience pain that gets worse when you walk or stand, if the clot is in one of your legs. Unfortunately, nearly half of people experiencing a DVT don’t have any symptoms at all.
Could you be at risk?
DVT impacts some people more than others. You might experience a single instance of DVT, or DVT might be a repeated cause for concern. A family history of DVT and blood clotting makes you more likely to deal with DVT yourself, and you’re more likely to experience DVT once you’re older than 50.
Being overweight, or remaining immobile for long periods of time, can make you more prone to DVT. Some people have issues with DVT after long airplane trips. If you’re pregnant, diagnosed with certain chronic diseases, or taking specific medications, you should be aware of your risk of DVT.
Other common causes of DVT include injuries like a bone fracture, injury to the lining of your veins, or surgery and surgical recovery.
What you can do
If you’re concerned about your risk of DVT, talk to Dr. Ascher about the steps you can take to prevent an occurrence. Dr. Ascher may prescribe an anticoagulant medication to address your concerns, or he may recommend specialized exercise plans or compression socks to support your vascular health and wellness.
To treat a DVT, Dr. Ascher focuses on managing the blood clot and preventing a pulmonary embolism, using both medical and surgical approaches.
You can learn more about your risk of DVT, and the right plan to prevent dangerous blood clots from forming in your deep veins, by getting in touch with Dr. Ascher at the Vascular Institute of New York today. Book your initial consultation appointment by calling now, or go online to schedule.
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